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  • Project Research
  • 1-5 Chapters
  • Abstract : Available
  • Table of Content: Available
  • Reference Style: APA
  • Recommended for : Student Researchers
  • NGN 5000

Background of the study

The period of pregnancy is a time that is accompanied with rapid physiological changes from the time of conception until delivery. The demand for adequate nutrition increases during this period so as to maintain metabolism and tissue accretion while supporting foetal development. However, despite numerous research that supports the importance of adequate nutrition in pregnancy, about 20% to 30% of expectant mothers worldwide suffer from some vitamin deficiency [Jatau, 2000] . Maternal under nutrition remains a persistent problem in developing countries, where women usually fall behind men in having access to food,health care, and education [Jatau, 2000]. A study conducted by Sholeye, Catherine and Olubukunola on pregnant women from rural and urban communities in Ogun state, south western Nigeria indicated that the mean energy, vitamin A, folic acid, calcium, iron and sodium intake of both rural and urban respondents were below the recommended nutrient intake values [Gay, 1981]. Poor maternal and child health indices in developing countries have been linked, among other factors to poor nutrition arising from dietary factors, including food restrictions, dietary indiscretion, quality of diet, poor feeding habit, and ignorance of nutrition [Gay, 1981] . According to Flick et al., pregnancy places a lot of physiologic, metabolic, and nutritional demands on women. Consequently, if optimal nutritional needs are not met, morbidity and even mortality could occur for both the mother and her fetus. Although most women are aware of the importance of healthy eating during pregnancy, women may have lack of knowledge of the specific dietary recommendations or may not have the skills required to improve their dietary habits [Lakshmi, 2013] . In Nigeria, there is a high prevalence of adverse outcomes of pregnancy, which can be life threatening for both the mother and her baby. One of such outcomes is low birth weight (LBW). Furthermore, the researcher also pointed out that inadequate intake of folate and vitamin B12 increases the risk of LBW and preterm delivery [Lakshmi, 2013] . In Nigeria, LBW affects about 5-6 million children every year, the incidence was reported to be 11.4% in Ogun state. The study revealed that maternal under and over-nutrition and deficiency of micronutrient such as iron, folate, calcium vitamin D and vitamin K has a major role in the development of nutritional problem [AlBedah, 2016] . Under-nutrition has been reported by many researchers in the country. Ugwu reported an incidence of 10–40% in the Eastern part of Nigeria. Additionally, 75% of pregnant women from the western part of Nigeria were mentioned to have had inadequate dietary despite the fact that, terrible nutrition in pregnancy negatively influences the mother’s health and that of the unborn infant [Puri, & Kapoor, 2006] . Nana and Zema identified Socio-demographic factors, obstetric factors and dietary knowledge as the major determinants of nutritional practice [AlBedah, 2016]. Based on the reviewed literatures, level of education, cultural beliefs, occupation and knowledge of diet in pregnancy are major determinants affecting nutritional practice among expectant mothers. There is paucity of research that studied the attitude of expectant mothers and how environmental factors influence their nutritional practice. This study seeks to assess factors affecting nutritional values of pregnant women attending antenatal clinic general hospital in Nigeria.

    1. Statement of the problem

In our society, there is strong attachment to beliefs and cultural norms even among the educated ones (Arimond, & Ruel, 2004). While we agree that some of these beliefs and the practices are good, the others may not be so good. Recorded advances in medicine and medical services not withstanding, majority of the pregnant women seem to prefer taking instruction on nutrition and antenatal healthcare than from traditional birth attendants (Awosika, 2001). This diverse information have effect on the health of pregnant women thus the need to carry out this study on effect of nutritional knowledge, beliefs and practices on the health of pregnant women. Understanding what they eat and what they forbid or abhor will enable the health worker structure a balance diet for them in line with available local food stuffs. Also, finding a means of spreading health talk on nutrition during pregnancy. Hence the study seeks to assess the factors affecting nutritional values of pregnant women attending antenatal clinic general hospital in Nigeria.

Objective of the study

The broad objectives of the study is to assess factors affecting nutritional values of pregnant women attending antenatal clinic general hospital in Nigeria. The specific objectives is as follows:

  1. To determine the factors affecting the nutitionl values of pregnant women attending antenatal clinic..

  2. To examine whether there is a relationship between knowledge of diet during pregnancy and nutritional practice among expectant mothers attending antenatal clinic.

  3. To find out the relationship between attitude of expectant mothers and nutritional practice among expectant mothers attending antenatal clinic.

  4. To assess the relationship between environmental factors and nutritional practice among expectant mothers attending antenatal clinic.

Research Questions

The following questions will guide the study:

  1. What are the factors affecting the nutitionl values of pregnant women attending antenatal clinic?

  2. Is there a relationship between knowledge of diet during pregnancy and nutritional practice among expectant mothers attending antenatal clinic?

  3. Is there a relationship between attitude of expectant mothers and nutritional practice among expectant mothers attending antenatal clinic?

  4. Is  there a relationship between environmental factors and nutritional practice among expectant mothers attending antenatal clinic?

Research hypotheses

The following hypothesis will guide the study:

H01: There is no significant relationship between knowledge of diet during pregnancy and nutritional practice among expectant mothers attending antenatal clinic.

H02: There is no significant relationship between attitude of expectant mothers and nutritional practice among expectant mothers attending antenatal clinic

H03: There is no significant relationship between environmental factors and nutritional practice among expectant mothers attending antenatal clinic.

​​​​​​​Significance of the study

It is believed that at the end of this study the findings will be of utmost benefits to every pregnant women as it serves as a means of curtailing the effects of malnutrition on their health. The ministry of health will also learn a great deal from the findings as it serves as a material for onward sensitization within cities and communities about the nutritional health of pregnant women.  

Furthermore, the findings will also be relevant to those who intend to carry out a similar research topic as it has contributed to the existing literature. Finally, the research will serve as a fuel of new reasoning and further research work in nutritional knowledge and practice among expectant mothers, and to health science students, lecturers and the general public.

Scope of the study

The study will determine the factors affecting the nutitional values of pregnant women attending antenatal clinic. The study will also examine whether there is a relationship between knowledge of diet during pregnancy and nutritional practice among expectant mothers attending antenatal clinic. The study will further find out the relationship between attitude of expectant mothers and nutritional practice among expectant mothers attending antenatal clinic. Finally, the study will assess the relationship between environmental factors and nutritional practice among expectant mothers attending antenatal clinic. Hence this study is delimited to Akure, Ondo State.

Limitation of the study

Like in every human endeavour, the researchers encountered slight constraints while carrying out the study. Insufficient funds tend to impede the efficiency of the researcher in sourcing for the relevant materials, literature, or information and in the process of data collection (internet, questionnaire, and interview), which is why the researcher resorted to a moderate choice of sample size. More so, the researcher will simultaneously engage in this study with other academic work. As a result, the amount of time spent on research will be reduced.

Definition of terms

Nutritional values: the measure of a well-balanced ratio of the essential nutrients carbohydrates, fat, protein, minerals, and vitamins in items of food or diet concerning the nutrient requirements of their consumer

Antenatal : before birth; during or relating to pregnancy.

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